Test 1 answers - r&d
Test 1 - R&D stream
The data science department at Walmart often posts problems on the data science challenge website, kaggle. In this test, we will download some of their data, and use our current understanding of Python to do some exploratory data analysis.
The challenge this data comes from was to revise the method they use to classify trip types. The have a number of categories which shopping trips are clustered into, and challenged entrants to recapitulate their clustering. The challenge is archived here. The training data set contains the TripType, as well as VisitNumber, day of the week, Upc of product purchased, the scancount, department, and fineline number (a categorical description of the item). Each VisitNumber is a unique basket, with a line for each item scanned. I am providing you with the first 50,000 lines of data, from the 650,000 total.
The Desired clustering is the categorical variable TripType.
You can complete this course without any knowledge of Pandas and Numpy - I am loading the data in like this, as it is the easiest way (by far). Please leave the code blocks in the Data Import section untouched - run them as needed. Feel free to download the csv from the website and check it out, but use Python for the analysis!
Data Import
Here I’m loading the data from the course website, showing the first 5 lines, and putting it into a dictionary, where each VisitNumber has its own entry.
The dict is called groups.
Please run the below (cursor in cell, then ctrl-enter
, or click run cell.
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
In [2]:
dat = pd.read_csv("http://jeremy.kiwi.nz/pythoncourse/assets/tests/r&d/test1data.csv")
In [3]:
TripType | VisitNumber | Weekday | Upc | ScanCount | DepartmentDescription | FinelineNumber | |
0 | 999 | 5 | Friday | 68113152929 | -1 | FINANCIAL SERVICES | 1000 |
1 | 30 | 7 | Friday | 60538815980 | 1 | SHOES | 8931 |
2 | 30 | 7 | Friday | 7410811099 | 1 | PERSONAL CARE | 4504 |
3 | 26 | 8 | Friday | 2238403510 | 2 | PAINT AND ACCESSORIES | 3565 |
4 | 26 | 8 | Friday | 2006613744 | 2 | PAINT AND ACCESSORIES | 1017 |
In [4]:
#convert DataFrame to dict
groups = dict(list(dat.groupby("VisitNumber")))
#convert dataframe rows to lists in dict
groups = {key: val.values.tolist() for key,val in groups.items()}
Data Checking
Please run the below cell, you should get:
[[999, 5, 'Friday', 68113152929.0, -1, 'FINANCIAL SERVICES', 1000.0]]
[[30, 7, 'Friday', 60538815980.0, 1, 'SHOES', 8931.0], [30, 7, 'Friday',
7410811099.0, 1, 'PERSONAL CARE', 4504.0]]
If not, please redownload the notebook from the website.
In [5]:
[[999, 5, 'Friday', 68113152929.0, -1, 'FINANCIAL SERVICES', 1000.0]]
[[30, 7, 'Friday', 60538815980.0, 1, 'SHOES', 8931.0], [30, 7, 'Friday', 7410811099.0, 1, 'PERSONAL CARE', 4504.0]]
Please fill the below questions in the cells and run them for output.
If you’d like another cell, use alt-enter
or the insert menu.
If you’d like to enter text to explain, either use # for comments, or add a new cell, then use the dropdown box above to convert it to markdown (from code).
Some data is missing or non-numeric, remember to check and remove or fix these data points!
Don’t worry about printing the outputs - assign them to a variable so I check them
1. Create a new dict, which contains the same keys, but a list of unique DepartmentDescription of items for each visit: ie {7:[‘SHOES’, ‘PERSONAL CARE’]}
In [6]:
#a nested comprehension - set i:the 5th element for each j for i,j in dict
x = {i: set([j[q][5] for q in range(len(j))]) for i,j in groups.items()}
2. If you used a function to do this, use a comprehension, if you used a comprehension, use a function
In [7]:
#nested loop
#use the temp variable to hold temporary values
def newdict(olddict):
dict2 = {}
for i,j in olddict.items():
temp = []
for x in j:
dict2[i] = set(temp)
y = newdict(groups)
In [8]:
#check both methods are the same
x == y
In [9]:
#or using our dict of visits (after defining the class):
#dict2 = {}
#for i, j in newdict.items():
# dict2.update({i:set(j.departments)})
3. Create a new dict, with the total number of each category each customer
bought. It should look like {7:[['SHOES',1], ['PERSONAL CARE',1]], ....}
In [10]:
#same as previous, but don't use set
def newdict2(olddict):
dict2 = {}
for i,j in olddict.items():
temp = []
for x in j:
dict2[i] = temp
#temp dict
y = newdict2(groups)
newdict = {}
#use the .count method to count each item
for i,j in y.items():
temp = []
for x in set(j):
temp.append([x, j.count(x)])
newdict[i] = temp
4. Create a new dict, which contains each customer as a key, with a list of day shopped, TripType, and summed ScanCount (total items bought).
In [11]:
#add all the totalitems,
#take the first for each of day and trip type
dictnew = {}
for i,j in groups.items():
totalitems = 0
for k in j:
totalitems += k[4]
dictnew[i] = [j[0][0], j[0][2], totalitems]
5. Create a Visit Class, which contains the total data we have about each visit, with the minimum amount of repetition.
In [12]:
#im making it easy to init
#there are a wide way of making this class
class Visit:
def __init__(self, val):
self.triptype = val[0][0]
self.number = val[0][1]
self.day = val[0][2]
self.upcs = []
self.scans = []
self.departments = []
self.fineline = []
for i in val:
6. Add methods into the class which will describe total items scanned, most common DepartmentDescription and most common FinelineNumber
In [13]:
class Visit:
def __init__(self, val):
self.triptype = val[0][0]
self.number = val[0][1]
self.day = val[0][2]
self.upcs = []
self.scans = []
self.departments = []
self.fineline = []
for i in val:
def totalscans(self):
return sum(self.scans)
def commondepartment(self):
#we use max, with a key, which is the function we run on each item inthe first argument
#this would be like running:
#for i in set(self.departments):
# self.departments.count
#then taking the max value
return max(set(self.departments), key = self.departments.count)
def commonfineline(self):
return max(set(self.fineline), key = self.fineline.count)
7. Turn the current dict into a dict of {VisitNumber : Vist} using the new class.
In [14]:
#depending on the init method
newdict = {}
for i,j in groups.items():
newdict[i] = Visit(j)
8. Create a method in your class to calculate the similarity of a visit to another visit based on DepartmentDescription (you could use total number of shared categories, or Cosine Similarity)
In [15]:
class Visit:
def __init__(self, val):
self.triptype = val[0][0]
self.number = val[0][1]
self.day = val[0][2]
self.upcs = []
self.scans = []
self.departments = []
self.fineline = []
for i in val:
def totalscans(self):
return sum(self.scans)
def commondepartment(self):
return max(set(self.departments), key = self.departments.count)
def commonfineline(self):
return max(set(self.fineline), key = self.fineline.count)
def similarity(self,b):
#this is for speed - if we share no elements, we can give a 0
if set(self.departments).isdisjoint(b.departments):
return 0
acount = []
bcount = []
for i in set(self.departments).union(b.departments):
#we could do the cosine part much faster with numpy!
#taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18424228/cosine-similarity-between-2-number-lists
sumxx, sumxy, sumyy = 0, 0, 0
for i in range(len(acount)):
x = acount[i]; y = bcount[i]
sumxx += x*x
sumyy += y*y
sumxy += x*y
#I am scaling by the number of categories, may or may not be sensible!
return sumxy/((sumxx*sumyy)**0.5) * len(acount)
9. Compare every basket to every other basket using your similarity score - Which baskets are the two most similar? How did you score this?
In [19]:
#need to remake the dict with the new attribute
newdict = {}
for i,j in groups.items():
newdict[i] = Visit(j)
#create a list to hold the best result
foundmax = [[0,0],0]
#get a list of values
data = list(newdict.values())
keys = list(newdict.keys())
length = len(data)
for i in range(length):
for j in range(i+1, length):
if data[i].similarity(data[j]) > foundmax[1]:
foundmax = [[i,j],data[i].similarity(data[j])]
#takes around 10 minutes on my computer, not fast, but not toooo slow...
In [23]:
[[5564, 7008], 23.421313765753897]
10. Optional, open ended question - Can you get an idea how the TripType categories are determined? Hint, tally TripTypes against categories, fineline categories, day of the week, number of items.
Include your code, and a quick description. They used a machine learning algorithm, so don’t worry about complete accuracy, a qualatative explanation is perfect.
In [None]:
#some great answers here!!